Tasmanian Landscapes

As an artist deeply connected to my sense of place, living in Tasmania means I paint lots of Tasmanian landscape’s. Tasmania has a rich and diverse array of landscapes from the sea to the high country and everything in between. It ensures a never-ending visual feast for my creativity.

I love watching the country respond to the changing seasons, the shifting and changing light and of course to the ever changing weather.

I hope you enjoy my works as much as I enjoyed creating them.

TITLE: Wind blowing across arm end walk

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on paper

SIZE: 38 x 25 cm


At the end of South Arm, Arm End walk winds around the jagged peninsular cutting across hills and dipping suddenly onto small, secluded beaches, exposed from all compass points the wind whips across the land bending the grasses and sending them into a crazy dance.

TITLE: Lake Pedder morning light

MEDIUM: Acrylic On Canvas

SIZE: 20.2 x 25.5 cm


Lake Pedder in the morning light with the colours dancing between the sky and the lake.

TITLE: Lake Pedder blues

MEDIUM: Acrylic /paper on canvas board

SIZE: 40 x 40 cm


Lake Pedder as the morning mist turned into cloud and hung low until evening, making the sky and the lake as one.

TITLE: kunanyi

MEDIUM: Acrylic on canvas board



Overlooking Hobart, kunanyi /Mount Wellington is constantly changing her appearance. In winter topped with snow and often cloaked in cloud and rising fog.

TITLE: Early morning mist rising from the valleys

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on paper

SIZE: 11.5 x 17.5 cm


Taken from my memory of an early morning drive through the Huon Valley as the mist rose slowly from the valleys as the sunlight crept over the mountains creating a veil over the country.

TITLE: Exploring the colours, shapes and lines of tidal rocks

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on paper

SIZE: 38 x 25 cm (unframed)

45 X 55 cm (framed)

DATE: 2022


Exploring the shapes, colours, movements, and textures of the tidal rock pools as the sea is drawn out and leaves the rocks exposed and then pushes back in covering the rocks and changing them again.

TITLE: Tidal rocks Cape Deslacs

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on board

SIZE: 38 x 25 cm

DATE: 2022


I took my inspiration coming back on the Cape Deslacs walk through the mutton bird colony to the cliffs overlooking the ocean rolling in and out over the rocks. The sea was the most brilliant greens and turquoise with the rocks layered, partly submerge...

TITLE: Cremorne rock pools

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on canvas

SIZE: 75 x 75 cm

DATE: 2022


Walking my local beach I am forever entranced by the tidal zone, appearing disappearing, rock pools exposed and then covered never looking the same.

TITLE: Cremorne Poplars

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on canvas

SIZE: 30.5 x 30.5 cm (unframed)

43 x 43 cm (framed)

DATE: 2022


The autumn leaves of the polars shimmer and reflect in the lagoon, as a storm rolls in to blow the last of the colours away.

TITLE: Bush Beauty

MEDIUM: Acrylic/mixed media on paper

SIZE: 25 x 17 cm

DATE: 2021


Lake Sorrell in the Highlands of Tasmania - a bush landscape of rugged beauty, a kaleidoscope of colour, the damp undergrowth and the eucalypts overwhelming the senses, while the bird cries rang from tree to tree.


Broken Hill NSW